Download Samsung Galaxy M01 SM-M015G Flash File and use Odin tool to flash:
- SM_M015G_M015GXXU4BUJ2
- SM_M015G_M015GXXU3BUH1
- Odin tool
- Samsung Kies
How to Flash Samsung Galaxy M01 SM-M015G:
Make sure your device is at least 30 percent charged to perform flashing.
- Install Samsung kies to make connectivity between Phone & Odin flash tool.
- Switch off the mobile.
- Press the Power + volume down + home button.
- Android symbol will appear, now press volume up to enter into the download mode.
- Unzip the Samsung Galaxy M01 SM-M015G file.
- Now open the Odin flash tool.
- Select flash file in PDA or AP.
- After selection mobile will get detected automatically and will display a message Added.
- Now click start on system & installation is in process.
- After installation mobile restart of its own.